On Monday 27 July 2009, 04:31 Diego Casella ([Po]lentino) wrote:
> Note that up to now you have to manually setup the working directory by
> modifying line 165 in mainwindow.cpp, because
> that global variable isn't set yet ( actually the projects directories are
> saved in $HOME/.kde4/share/apps/plasmate which is not
> a good choice imo, if we want to focus on beginner developers... what about
> a $HOME/PlasMate_Projects folder instead? )
> Now I'm focusing on building a default enviroment based on the
> project/language selected, so I'll fix also that pending issue =)

Usually this config paths are given by you, so you don't have to hardcode them 

Check this class and method: KStandardDirs::locateLocal  (it's also used on 

This way, Plasmate will use whatever path is set for kde applications to store 


Artur Duque de Souza
openBossa Research Labs
INdT - Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia
Blog: http://blog.morpheuz.cc
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