On Monday 27 July 2009, 15:31 Mario Fux wrote:
> I planed to provide a buffet with marmale, honey, flakes, bread, fruits and
> co in the morning. Something warm for dinner (different stuff from
> Raclette, Pasta, Soup to regional specialities...) and some meat, cheese,
> bread and co in the evening with the rests of the day or a soup.
> What do you think ;-)?

Sounds great for me. Important to not forget the vegetarians :).

Now a big question: which airport is the best to arrive ? Zurich or Geneva ? 
(due to trains, etc..)


Artur Duque de Souza
openBossa Research Labs
INdT - Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia
Blog: http://blog.morpheuz.cc
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