
this discussion comes up every X months on this list, check out the 
following leads:
* the plasma folks wanted to do it in ?january?, check their mail archives
* Hari Krishna Anandhan started discussing about it in August 2008

Scientifically, the NEPOMUK EU project which did all the research to 
come to the RDF and ontologies also has an off-the-shelf solution for 
the problem which is well thought.
here is the open source reference implementation, ontologies, 
documentation, and community site:

Hari pointed to his page in August 2008, which he worked on a bit and 
then had to give up maintaining for 6 months, but THIS WEEK hari wrote 
to me personally, that he is up again and motivated to continue, so you 
guys should stick your heads together (cc Hari)

Note though, that the plasma folks have their own thing in their head 
regarding this topic, so maybe I am missing someone important who 
actually does all the decisions, but I am sure she/he will reply.


It was Ivan Čukić who said at the right time 31.07.2009 17:17 the 
following words:
> A.S. This is a multi-list message, so make sure you reply to both 
> plasma-devel 
> and nepomuk-kde lists.
> Hi all,
> As you probably know, plasma has the concept of activities. This is something 
> that is supposed to become global concept, and not only plasma-local.
> Use-cases:
>  - When John switches to the /work/ activity, he wants the favourites in 
> Kickoff/KMenu/Lancelot/Raptor/... to be the applications related to work.
>  - When Eric switches to the /internet/ activity, he wants the file open/save 
> dialogue to contain 'Downloads', 'Pictures' etc. folders in the places side-
> panel.
>  - Terry starts KDevelop to work on his project. The rest of the environment 
> switches to /kde development/ activity.
> Ok, enough with examples.
> Since the current activity is not only a plasma-thing, and could exist even 
> without plasma, we (plasma devs) decided it should be published through 
> nepomuk.
> My question here is what is the best way to do it.
> The most basic thing that comes to mind is a nepomuk resource, which the 
> other 
> application listen to using the sopranoStatementAdded() signal in 
> SopranoModel.
> The other approach (DanielW pointed it out) is something like the nepomuk 
> service example located in playground (/base/nepomuk-kde/usercontext/service/)
> So, what is the best way to do this?
> Cheerio,
> Ivan
> _______________________________________________
> nepomuk-kde mailing list
> nepomuk-...@semanticdesktop.org
> http://lists.semanticdesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/nepomuk-kde

Dr. Leo Sauermann       http://www.dfki.de/~sauermann 

Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer 
Kuenstliche Intelligenz DFKI GmbH
Trippstadter Strasse 122
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Germany                 Mail:  leo.sauerm...@dfki.de

Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c.mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
Dr. Walter Olthoff
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