On Saturday 08 August 2009, David Baron wrote:
> On Friday 07 August 2009 14:23:26 Matteo Agostinelli wrote:
> > Maybe I understood what is the point of the OP. If you drag and drop a
> > PDF file to the Desktop, you get the choice between the Previewer and the
> > Icon. But if you choose the Preview it actually creates an empty
> > previewer plasmoid, i.e. it doesn't show the contents of the PDF. On the
> > contrary, the preview is working correctly for other file formats, such
> > as images of text files.
> OK.
> Assuming it does work. What will be on the desktop? A previewer plasmoid to
> which I can drag another file if I wish? One dedicated to this file?
> If the placement is a general previewer plasmoid, why would I place it at
> this point? I put on the panel or desktop if I want it and drage the file
> there to view it.
> If the placement is dedicated, why not just the icon which takes up far
> less space?

would be a previewer with that file open by default, you then can open other 
stuff with it if you want and nobody is forcing you to use it instead of an 

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