On Tuesday 25 August 2009 03:58:11 Amritpal Bath wrote:
> I've got a Plasma::Applet containing a QGraphicsGridLayout, which has a
> couple of QGraphicsWidgets (QLabels via QGraphicsProxyWidget).
> The text in my layout gets updated periodically after running an external
> process, but I can't quite get the resizing to work properly.  I've
> attached a similar example, with a layout containing two QPushButtons.
> I try to adjust the height of the buttons, layout, AND the Applet, but
> nothing I've tried will make the buttons taller.  It sounds like maybe I'm
> missing something about QSizePolicy, but I'm not sure.
> Can someone please explain the relationship between Plasma::Applet and
> QLayout, and why the attached code does not make the buttons taller?  As
> you can see from the .cpp, I've tried most/all things I could find.
> Thanks!

I didn't test your code, but it looks a lot like an issue I'm running into all 
time when working on graphicswidgets that resize themselves.

It would be good if Alexis (or someone else working on QGraphicsLayouts) could 
have a 
look at this, it looks simple enough for a testcase and would be very useful to 
a fix for.

Did you try without the proxywidget stuff, so using QGraphicsWidgets directly, 
That would make an even cleaner testcase.

It would be very nice to see this fixed indeed...


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