On Sunday 13 September 2009, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On September 13, 2009, Marco Martin wrote:
> > On Sunday 13 September 2009, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > > On September 13, 2009, Marco Martin wrote:
> > > > |-desktop
> > > > |
> > > > |  |-applets
> > > > |  |-containments
> > > > |
> > > > |  `-shells
> > >
> > > should this be shells/ with plasma-desktop/ under it, or should it just
> > > be shell/ with the one shell under it?
> >
> > woud the screensaver shell go here as well or in common?
> screensaver has its own containment as well. perhaps it should be:
> plasma/
>       [common|generic]/
>       desktop/
>       netbook/
>       screensaver/
>               containments/
>               shells/
> ?

yes, makes sense.
i would leave the shells folder even where there is only one tough (for 
instance in the netbook there is only one now but i will probably add another 
one in the future)

> > > > |-netbook
> > > > |  `-the whole hierarchy again there
> > > > |-common
> > >
> > > generic? hmm ... not sure whether i like common or generic better..
> >
> > don't think tere is much difference, really :)
> not much difference, but in this context "generic" means "not specific" and
> "common" means "used or shared by all". these components are really more
> "generic" than "common" i think.

ok, so let's go for generic

> > > > libplasma-workspace would be a dynamic lib, private without headers
> > > >  installed and would contain what shells/common has today
> > >
> > > this should go into workspace/libs/
> >
> > hmm, isn' t it a bit too specific of plasma shells? is really the right
> >  place?
> like libplasmaclock? ;) i'd prefer to keep all libraries in one place. they
> have a habit of hiding and getting forgotten otherwise.


Marco Martin
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