On Thursday 24 September 2009 09:16:25 Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
> Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > On September 23, 2009, Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
> >> Aaron J. Seigo a écrit :
> >>> On September 23, 2009, Marco Martin wrote:
> >>>> every other consideration aside, i feel that it would have been -far-
> >>>>  easier to mantain if the systray patch just consisted in
> >>>> notifications disabling and provide a totally separate daemon for that
> >>>> kind of notifications
> >>>
> >>> unless i'm misremembering things, this is also what i suggested to the
> >>> people working on this when the Ayatana notifications design was first
> >>> announced.
> >>
> >> My first implementation was doing exactly this. But I was told (by a
> >> Plasma dev) it was not a good idea.
> >
> > what i'm pretty sure i said (could be wrong, was a # of months ago) was
> > that the option in the system tray could be defaulted very easily to
> > "off" and the new style of notifications could run separate from it.
> That was how it was implemented: I splitted notify-osd into a library
> storing all the logic, and a notify-osd-gtk doing the gtk/cairo
> rendering. I then implemented a KDE version using Plasma. (You were not
> the one telling me it was not a good idea, Sebas did)

Huh? I pointed out in May during UDS already that you just want to hook in an 
that does the notifications the Ayatana way, and default the systray 
notifications to 

It is not a 100% clear from the spec that has been written as result of those 
meetings ( https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicAyatana ), but I'm 100% sure I 
you and other people from your team (David, Rick) that Ayatana can be done 
upstream code changes, just adding an extra applet.


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