On Saturday 26 September 2009 22:37:16 Kent Bengtsson wrote:
> I hope I have come to the right place, otherwise plz redirect 
> me.
> I am a frequent user off plasma and I would like to thank you 
> all for a great job. I have also begun to look into some coding 
> in hope of being able to help out.

Cool, the RSSnow plasmoid hasn't seen a lot of love lately, that's surely 

> My current thought of what I 
> would like to do is to integrate RssNow with akregator and would 
> like to know if there is an engine I have to integrate with or 
> if it is RssNow directly?

What do you mean by "integrating RSSnow with Akregator" exactly? :) (AFAIK, it 
already add Akregator's feeds to its available feed list, maybe my imagination 
is not 
good enough here...)

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    • Re: RssNow Sebastian Kügler

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