On Tuesday 13 October 2009 10:16:32 Ivan Čukić wrote:
> I've seen the thread about the activities overview.
> Since there are bound to be some changes in the concepts behind activities,
> virtual desktops etc. I'll postpone the plasma+nepomuk integration in order
>  to introduce it alongside the new overview (I guess we'll be able to do it
>  for 4.5?).
> From my point of view (that is from the implementation's point of view :)
>  ), there exists the possibility for more than one containment to have the
>  same activity (something Chani mentioned some time ago) - that is, to have
>  more than one group of applets (what we now call activities) inside one
>  activity.
> Panels could share the current global context and wouldn't have their own
> activities.

I'd still like to see a minimal implementation of this to already get used to 
this kind of stuff. So please, don't postpone. Plasma is not the only potential 
of this ...

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