On Tuesday 01 December 2009 22:41:55 Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> Am Dienstag 01 Dezember 2009 20:28:43 schrieb Andreas Marschke:
> > How about something like the debian devs made they basically add a note
> > to the changelog like :
> > * corrected text file (closes #11111)
> > This works for themas well.
> And which is in no way a changelog which could be read by endusers.
>  Sometimes we just have to translate our internal tech speak to something
>  understandable by users. Just some examples from kwin:

Actually not a problem, I can "translate" KDE techspeak to something human-
readable just fine, what I cannot do is keep track of all the features that 
do into our six-monthlies.

>  * compositing vs desktop effects
>  * clients vs decorations
>  * Client vs window (yes "client" can mean different things)
> If we don't give the translation we can as well keep our bad "look at the
>  svn log".

The problem with the SVN log is that it's too fine-grained, and that an 
feature might not always match an SVN commit.

For bugfix releases, some CHANGELOG keyword would be useful, the XML 
changelog is always edited by the same persons, which means that we usually 
have the okular fixes, the Juk fixes, the KHTML fixes and the KMail fixes, 
but hardly ever get a reasonable picture of how much actually changed.

By now, I've developed the habit of "if you don't care to write the 
changelog, I don't care about running after your changes", so they just end 
up in the release without anybody talking about.

That's for our bugfix/translation updates. What I'm talking about in this 
thread are feature releases like 4.4

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