On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 11:14 AM, Alessandro Diaferia
<alediafe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello people,
> it's been a while since the last time you heard about me :-) I'm busy with
> my thesis and everything will be over by the end of April. In the meantime,
> anyway, i'd like to see the mediacenter stuff back again :-).
> I have some ideas here and there in my mind to make concrete for the
> mediacenter but one thing that reached a good point of maturity was the
> backend library. I'd like to suggest this as GSoC project for the
> mediacenter and i'd like to be mentor for this.

i would be very happy to see this going

> The idea briefly:
> there's some sort of complete api already that allows people to write
> backends able to retrieve media stuff from services like youtube, picasa,
> flickr and so on.. I was working on some generic dataengines for this
> together with kde-silk people and i'd like to see this part complete.
> YouTube, Flicker and Picasa have their own backends already even if some
> work is still there to be done. The project would be about making these
> backends ready and develop the relevant models for the model/view stuff of
> the mediabrowser applet in order to allow browsing media contents from web
> services. This way we reach 2 goals: a good example of how kde-silk is
> important and one brick more in the huge wall media center land is.
> Ideas are really really welcome.
another important thing is getting the ui really going.
probably it would be easier this year since we actually have qml in a
near release state (see plasma-mobile), compared to last year

Marco MArtin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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