David Redondo (@davidre:kde.org)
Added ability to filter plasma themes by name and if they are
dark/light/follow color scheme

Fixed two bugs in Colors kcm

[Colors KCM] Only move to next scheme if the selected one is marked for…
fc1449991459 Actions Authored by davidre

Remove ColorSchemeFilter from KStyle

Prevent changes to the palette of an application if the app has a custom
colorscheme and a new system wide color scheme is selected
Integration for Qt applications in Plasma 69b756e274cb Don't set a new
palette if the application has a custom color scheme set 69b756e274cb

In that line also add a system theme option to kcolorschememanager which is
not landed yet but should be good to go

⚙ D25877 [KColorschemeManager] Add option to reenable following global theme

⚙ D25877 [KColorschemeManager] Add option to reenable following global theme

Also api.kde.org now displays the fully quallified class name as header
instead of the framework name.
If you are using it like me while developing I think it's a massive
improvement for usability

## nicofee

Lot's of random stuff, some highlights:
Did some performance improvements to Ark, archives now load much faster
patches still in review

Removed KService dep from KPeople, dropping it from Tier 3 to 2
⚙ D26616 Adjust metainfo.yaml to new tier

Added API to KConfig for storing state information, for stuff that is
volatile and should not be version controlled
⚙ D26440 Add KSharedConfig::openStateConfig for storing state information

Worked on new Component for Recent Files menu, much more amazing than the
existing one
⚙ D26448 Add KRecentFilesMenu to replace KRecentFileAction

Cleanup/deprecation for some KNotifications stuff
With the goal of reducing dependencies, in particular Widgets
⚓ T12531 Kill KNotification's NotifyByTaskbar
⚙ D26605 Remove fallback to KPassivePopup
⚙ D26604 Check if there is an activatable service when notification service
owner changes
Diff 26604 "Check if there is an activatable service when notification
service owner changes" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D26604
⚙ D26604 Check if there is an activatable service when notification service
owner changes
Other random stuff

## kbroulik

* Uploaded it to Opera store
* Their review process is ridiculous, so if they reject the version I
uploaded just now, I'll drop support for Opera
* Can now register downloads as recent documents

* Did a proof of concept patch for bringing to the front the application
that sent a notification
* In case it doesn't set a default action (hello, Thunderbird)
    * https://invent.kde.org/snippets/653
* Fixed application filter in KCM going all bonkers
* Fixed regression breaking "show n more" feature (breakage was master-only
* DrKonqi notifications are no longer in history as it creates an SNI anyway
* Merged quick reply feature, no apps use it yet, and no KNotification API
available yet
* There's now an "Other applications" category for non-identifyable
* KRunner KCM is now marked dirty when changing settings of a runner plugin
* Fixed crash in Pager when dragging file and waiting for it to switch
* Battery monitor no longer blinks when critical
* Only wastes energy when you're running out of it... wanted to remove it
* Some minor optimizations in task manager app icon pixmap handling
* Fixed matching Chrome MPRIS to its window task anymore
    * PulseAudio stream is now owned by tab process which is different from
the window-owning process
* Rewrote KDED KCM in QML, please review D26506
⚙ D26506 [KDED KCM] Rewrite as KDeclarative ScrollViewKCM

* Now shows low battery notifications also for Bluetooth devices (which
report no charge state)
* No longer crashes without XCB DPKMS
* Did a proof of concept port back to KFilePlacesModel:
Diff 26067 "[KFilePlacesView] Add missing functionality required in order
to be used by Dolphin again" [Needs Review]
⚙ D26067 [KFilePlacesView] Add missing functionality required in order to
be used by Dolphin again
    * Check out D26067 or branch broulik/kfileplacesview-dolphin in KIOL
    * and broulik/kfileplacesview in Dolphin
* Fixed KMessageWidget transition pixelated with non-integer scaling
* Created a bunch of breeze icons :)
⚙ D25984 Load translations
* pkpass (Apple Wallet files, e.g. boarding passes), aup (Audacity
project), lnk (windows link file now uses link paradigm rather than
"money"), xhtml (made it a purple HTML icon instead of XML icon)
* Fixed file dialog scheme check not working for devices, i.e. now your
external hdd shows up in local-only file dialogs again
* Restored XCursor thumbnailer (there's no XCB equivalent to the plain
xcursor file reading)
* Tried fixing translations loading in Kirigami but failed: see D25984

## arjen hiemstra
there's a bunch of stuff from before new year that I did, like the circular
notification timeout and job progress

more recently there's https://phabricator.kde.org/D26279 that fixes a bug
in kirigami with the overflow menu
⚙ D26279 ActionToolBar: Only show the overflow button if there are visible
items in the menu
Home Phabricator Search Log In Differential D26279 ActionToolBar: Only show
the overflow button if there are visible items in the menu Closed Public
Actions Authored by ahiemstra on

⚙ D26279 ActionToolBar: Only show the overflow button if there are visible
items in the menu

(not sure if I introduced it, but at least it's fixed now)

I also created a patch last week related to scrollbars in qqc2 style

⚙ D26530 ScrollView: Do not overlay scrollbars over contents

## notmart (@freenode_notmart:matrix.org)
hmm, i only seen ones that truncate brutally the highlight..
### Discover
* fix some layout bugs in the reviews page
Mostly catching up with reviews, other than that:
# Kirigami
* DelagateRecycler has pooled and reused signals like TableView
* fix a layout bug in OverlaySheet
# Plasma
* buttons with keyboard focus are colored like breeze buttons
* helped a bit on the formats kcm

## d__ed

So in terms of stuff I've done:
-I've progressed with Kwin using QtQuick more, including porting all of
-that needs some testers
-One thing I want to discuss is we're seeing some issues with Qt5.14.0 and
-I thought we'd got everything all working properly but we're getting
numerous reports, mostly stemming from the somewhat random high dpi env
-we need to keep an eye on this - there's a pending horrible patch in
Qt5.14.1 that means it won't load xrdb font DPI , which is going to break
plasmashell terrible

-I have a concern with the feedback KCM, the loading is currently broken,
there's a patch that fixes that on review in frameworks
-the telemetry stuff is something that needs to be spot-on on release,
otherwise we'll get a lot of bad reputation that we'll never clear
-set it, close it, open it

## jriddell

it's 5.18 beta on Thursday!
I'll be writing the release announce today and probably pinging you when I
have questions
-are we ready for 5.18 beta?
-d_ed: I guess we have to be
-that's the spirit!

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