davidre added a comment.

  In D28107#631804 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D28107#631804>, @kmaterka wrote:
  > In D28107#630144 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D28107#630144>, @davidre 
  > > It seems it is possible to do this (removing stuff from the data engine) 
after all. I will try to work on this in the next time
  > IMO, ideally `StatusNotifierItemSource` should just expose most of 
properties from this specification without any changes:
  >  For some complex types it should be allowed to do conversion etc.
  > Summary of properties:
  > | SNI property        | In specification | Simple/Complex | DataSource 
property                        | Comments                                      
  > | Category            | Yes              | Simple         | Category        
                           | Direct copy                                        
  > | Id                  | Yes              | Simple         | Id              
                           | Direct copy                                        
  > | Title               | Yes              | Simple         | Title           
                           | Direct copy                                        
  > | Status              | Yes              | Simple         | Status          
                           | Direct copy                                        
  > | WindowId            | Yes              | Simple         | WindowId        
                           | Direct copy                                        
  > | ItemIsMenu          | Yes              | Simple         | ItemIsMenu      
                           | Direct copy                                        
  > | AttentionMovieName  | Yes              | Simple         | 
AttentionMovieName                         | Direct copy                        
  > | ToolTip             | Yes              | Complex        | ToolTipTitle, 
ToolTipSubTitle, ToolTipIcon | Converted to separate properties, additional 
logic                |
  > | Menu                | Yes              | Complex        | -               
                           | Converted to QMenu, special handling               
  > | IconThemePath       | No!              | Simple         | IconThemePath   
                           | Direct copy                                        
  > | IconName            | Yes              | Simple         | IconName        
                           | Only if IconPixmap is empty                        
  > | IconPixmap          | Yes              | Complex        | Not available   
                           | Used as part of Icon                               
  > | OverlayIconName     | Yes              | Simple         | OverlayIconName 
                           | Only if OverlayIconPixmap is empty                 
  > | OverlayIconPixmap   | Yes              | Complex        | Not available   
                           | Used as part of Icon                               
  > | -                   | -                | Simple         | Icon            
                           | Complicated logic to create it from all Icon 
properties           |
  > | AttentionIconName   | Yes              | Simple         | 
AttentionIconName                          | Only if AttentionIconPixmap is 
empty                              |
  > | AttentionIconPixmap | Yes              | Not available  | Used as part of 
AttentionIcon              |                                                    
  > | -                   | -                | Simple         | AttentionIcon   
                           | Complicated logic to create it from both 
AttentionIcon properties |
  > |
  > I skipped: IconsChanged, StatusChanged, TitleChanged, ToolTipChanged, these 
are not relevant (and not used anymore).
  > I would suggest to:
  > - In `StatusNotifierItemSource`:
  >   - Always set IconName, OverlayIconName, AttentionIconName, regardless if 
IconPixmap is set or not
  >   - Add new properties for all pixmaps, convert them to proper type (there 
is function for that: `imageVectorToPixmap()`)
  > - Icon logic should be in `StatusNotifierItem.qml`
  >   - Ignore "Icon" property
  >   - Implement similar logic in QML, everything is available in 
  >   - Use icon name first, then pixmap (align to specification: 
"Visualizations are encouraged to prefer icon names over icon pixmaps if both 
are available")
  >     Then, is a separate diff, remove unused properties/logic from 
StatusNotifierItemSource (in Plasma 6?).
  >     This ensures backward compatibility. I'm pretty sure 
`StatusNotifierItemSource` is not used outside of Plasma, but if it this is 
part of the public API then needs to stay for now. Presentation logic is moved 
to correct layer. That should simplify it a little bit, I had hard time 
understanding it for the first time.
  Thanks for the comprehensive write up! I fully agree with you!

  R120 Plasma Workspace


To: davidre, kmaterka, #plasma, broulik, davidedmundson
Cc: anthonyfieroni, plasma-devel, Orage, LeGast00n, The-Feren-OS-Dev, cblack, 
jraleigh, zachus, fbampaloukas, GB_2, ragreen, ZrenBot, ngraham, himcesjf, 
lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, ahiemstra, mart

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