rikmills added a comment.

  In D27595#636640 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D27595#636640>, @vkrause wrote:
  > I haven't seen a backtrace for this, but from what I understood from the 
chat backlog this is triggering a QML bug (?) due to the re-evaluation of 
qsTr() with 5.12, rather than actually crashing in the code of this patch?
  Did not have time to last night, but I will file a bug with both backtraces 
shortly. For now I have reverted the commit in Kubuntu, as a crashing KCM is 
the greater evil, but a better solution would be great. :)

  R169 Kirigami


To: vkrause, mart
Cc: davidedmundson, broulik, rikmills, ngraham, apol, plasma-devel, 
fbampaloukas, GB_2, domson, dkardarakos, ahiemstra, mart

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