> Well, as far as device notifier goes, there's a couple more things about it 
> that I'd like to see fixed as well. 

Here I am, the device notifier mantainer, at your service :)

> This one about tooltips sounds nice, but then it kinda duplicates what's in 
> the real device list, and there seems to be a limitation on the tooltip size 
> (is there?) Really don't know what's the best one, maybe a very compact list 
> would work.
I wouldn't duplicate the content of the applet, really, but a mockup would 
indeed be appreciated

> Then, there's one more point: kill those separators (it's time to get rid of 
> them in a lot of places, I think :),
the separators subdivide different categories of devices (e.g. camera, optical 
media, etc etc), they are quite needed imho; maybe we could get rid of just the 
first one, though I'm not sure

> and squeeze the "Available devices" with the icon vertically. 
you mean, to make the icon smaller?

> There's too much margin space on both sides. 
I agree, I am going to do that as soon as I resolve some other layout issues

> All pure aesthetics, but then, it's screen space and clutter. If you don't 
> mind, I'll hack on this, and deliver a prototype of device list popup for the 
> applet.
Popup means tooltip?

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