dvratil added a comment.

  If I may add my two cents here, I agree with David that introducing a plugin 
for a plugin is a bit over the top. Whats the issue with contributing your 
backend into libkscreen upstream instead? If there's any code that could be 
shared between KWayland backend and your new backend, you can create a small 
static library (basically reusing most of what you've already done). Otherwise 
you are basically forcing libkscreen to accommodate a single usecase for your 
fork, and the community has the right to push back on that as it makes things 
more complicated for them just to make live easier for you.
  Regarding the asynchronous plugin loading. You still need to block the 
constructor of the KWayland backend in order to figure out which plugin you 
want to load, because the KScreen backend loading code synchronously calls 
`isValid()` just after constructing the backend. So it's nice you try loading 
your plugins asynchronously, but it doesn't solve much since all you do is 
blocking-waiting for a bunch o threads to finish, rather than just 
blocking-waiting for the calls to the registry to finish... The current backend 
loading code in libkscreen is of course simple and stupid because it was first 
designed only with XRandR and Fake backends in mind. Later on QScreen was added 
which also works synchronously. When Wayland support was introduced, Sebas 
rewrote lot of the code, but some of the assumptions were kept, like plugins 
initializing synchronously. It's not too hard to fix the backend loading code 
to not only make assumptions about backends based on Qt platform and to allow 
for true asynchronous initialization.

  R110 KScreen Library


To: romangg, #plasma
Cc: dvratil, ngraham, davidedmundson, plasma-devel, Orage, LeGast00n, 
The-Feren-OS-Dev, cblack, jraleigh, zachus, fbampaloukas, ragreen, ZrenBot, 
himcesjf, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, 
ahiemstra, mart

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