Notes for the first video meeting on BBB we did (next meetings in
about a month will be the 5.21 kickoff meeting as well):
Jonathan kickstarted:
Discussion about Plasma 5.20 release
* on thursday 5.20 release
* pain point: new user manager kcm David Redondo is doing a patch that
adds some error messges/error handling (got string freeze exception)
* need to send notes to distros to include the proper tarballs, not
old user manager ones
* Quickcharts frameworks 5.75 has a memleak patch that needs to be
included by distros
* draft announcement:
For 5.21:
* Kickoff meeting on BBB as well?

David E:
* continued work on systemd startup and cgroups, please test
* Query for very high priority plasma bugs: please get on top of it

* Polishing KAccounts bits
* Porting away KPluginInfo
* Patch for kwin to rework how effects are loaded, will coordinate
with the work by Carl of new plugin view
* [DavidR: do we want to support multiple kcms?)
* new key in metadata to specify a kcm (use case for multiple kcms in Kontact)
* problem in some place for propertyencapsulated that kpluginmetadata can't have
 MR with the problem:

 David R:
* Need In Kirigami AbstractApplicationWindow a property with the
action for quit with : probably a Grouped property.
* so together with quit all the page navigation to be there
* what about accent color patch?
-> Right solution implementation wise seems to me to be to have a
general "accent color" color that other colors are derived from.*
 * discussion on plasma docshow t create applets components documentation
shouldn't be there
 * Fixed the color in breeze for checked toolbuttons

* main thing plasma-systemmonitor is in kde-review
* preview release alongside plasma 5.20
* will be included in 5.21
* replacing as much of parts of ksysguardd with new plugins, so we can
drop a lot of old code

 Continued work with Jonah on the Kirigami tutorial, still a lot of
work is needed polishing the text and adding more content.
Season of KDE: more mentors are needed.
Started working on a new QML based KpluginSelector. But need to change
it to work with KPluginMetadata instead of KPluginInfo.

* Improving text input and input method support in KWin
* we have partial support for inputmethod protocol
* we don't support more advanced functionality used by ibus and fcitx5 for cjk
* will work on those for next ~2weeks
* refactoring input method management in KWin.
* Please review!
* looking with meven to fix screenshots in plamo

* start with a patch to have a single header to look very similar to
standard kirigami apps
* some experiments on a different internal cachebased upon arjen's
performance work. got things to load and be sliightly faster than
master, still room for improvement
* David's idea: expanding kshareddatacache to have uints as ids directly

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