El dijous, 1 d’abril de 2021, a les 19:12:30 CEST, Aleix Pol va escriure:
> Hi,
> In Plasma we have wanted a way to work with wlr_layer_shell for a
> while, I'd tried taking this weird route, where we were adding it into
> the project ad hoc, but it didn't really go anywhere.
> https://invent.kde.org/plasma/kscreenlocker/-/merge_requests/20
> I then figured it would make sense to find a make sense to just go
> with what we need and implement it as a separate auto-contained
> component that can be used by any client:
> https://invent.kde.org/apol/layer-shell-qt
> Here's what it would look like when it's used by KScreenLocker:
> https://invent.kde.org/plasma/kscreenlocker/-/merge_requests/20
> I'd like to port KSplash to use it and possibly some other components
> it would make sense to get them there as well like KRunner or some
> plasma shell bits.
> The approach is a bit limited by QtWayland where it only supports
> having one shell per process. I hope to work upstream to improve the
> situation, this is a first step.
> So, I'd like to get it into the next Plasma release, I trust we can
> polish whatever might be necessary before 2021-04-29, the Repo freeze.
> I've requested the move to kdereview, for those of you who can see:
> https://phabricator.kde.org/T14327

clang complains that 

/home/tsdgeos/devel/kde/layer-shell-qt/src/qwaylandlayershell_p.h:23:24: note: 
did you mean class here?
    QWaylandLayerShell(struct QtWayland::zwlr_layer_shell_v1 *shell);

clazy complains that
error: Pass small and trivially-copyable type by value (const class QMargins &) 
void QWaylandLayerSurface::setMargins(const QMargins &margins)

There are two TODO in the code, how important they are, should they be done 
before release?


> Best regards,
> Aleix
> PS: Not an April fools', no :)

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