> On 07/14/2010 07:34 PM, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > On July 14, 2010, Sebastian Trüg wrote:
> >> The idea on my end is to create nuao:DesktopEvent instances which link
> >> to the opened file and the application opening it. For the latter the
> > 
> > that sounds very sensible, and would get rid of the false positives due
> > to automatically associating files issue. files the user tags explicitly
> > would be easily discernable from those that have a DesktopEvent.
> > assuming that DesktopEvent allows for things such as counting the number
> > of times that same event happens, it should even be possible to decrease
> > the importance of files accessed just once or a long tme ago. +1 from me
> > to our ontology overlords.
> > 
> Just for completeness: I already have a scoring algorithm that takes the
> desktop events and a bunch of other criteria into account to score all
> files and thus, guess which files are most important to the user.

neat. :)

I was doing some thinking on the bus... and I like this scoring idea.

think of it this way: I have a bunch of plasma source folders (kdelibs/plasma, 
workspace/plasma, ...) that are loosely associated with plasma and kde. I have 
kwin source folders (workspace/kwin, ..) that are loosely associated with kwin 
and kde. plasma and kwin are loosely associated with kde.

Now, when I open a kwin file in kwin, it's a safe bet that it applies only to 
kwin, and the window opening it should be associated with that activity and 
not bleed into others.
When I open a plasma file in kwin... well, it *could* be that I forgot what 
activity I was in and got sidetracked, but since there's that loose 
association from kwin to kde to the source, then it seems more likely that I 
needed to read that file to help with whatever kwin thing I'm doing. So, the 
best assumption is to put it on that activity (and not on the plasma 
On the other hand, if someone sends me a link to some youtube vid, that has no 
association with anything, so that window ought not to be put on the 
activity...  although you could argue that it could be given a weak 
association, so that if it was opened from that activity a second time it'd 
get put there. :)

and of course there's all sorts of opportunity for experimenting there :)
and the more apps are activity-aware, the less often things will accidentally 
bleed over to the wrong activities, because the stuff (irc channels, mail 
folders) that's not in that activity won't be shown in the first place.

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