* We have a date for the Plasma sprint!
* May 4th to 11th
* In Augsburg, Germany
* Restore double click interval setting:
* Drop per-activity power management settings:

* After adwaita-icon-theme was updated to its GNOME 44 version, 32x32
pixmaps were removed, so the icon preview in the icon KCM looks bad:
* Sync double click interval for GTK2/3/4 apps once double click
interval setting is restored:
* Test org.kde.Solid.PowerManagement, which will introduce inelegant
Glib/Gio code, not using python-dbusmock because the dbus interfaces
can be out of sync with upstream at any time: If
merged I can continue to look into testing the battery monitor.

* Big topic for discussion
* when are we depending on Qt 6.5?
* Imo as soon as possible we have it on CI
* but also going too early will lock out some potential users
[davidR]Having it on CI means having it on suse tumbleweed
Will there be important distros that have 6.4 right now but will not have 6.5?
[marco]would go for soon as well
[nico]yeah, I'd say as soon as CI has it it's fine to require
* ok
* and when that happens lets maybe only require it in layer-shell-qt -
and see if anyone complains before rolling out to everywhere else that
doesn't really need it for new API

* I made a few huge Window refactors in kwin. If you notice a kwin
crash that you used not to see, poke me
* Got qtwayland popup apis merged \o/
* Created patches to add an interim xdg-shell integration fork in meanwhile
* Looked into kde-screen-edge-v1 again, the first design didn't work
out well (because of pesky X11 details). Will try to get something
else that matches the existing design
* Did a few other things, but I don't think it's that important
* d_ed can you rebase your axis_physical_direction patch in qtwayland?
* see for
more details

* if you're good with threads, pls review
* is almost
ready and should fix multi gpu performance. If you have a multi gpu
system, please test it
* note that it's not expected to help on NVidia just yet, but it would
be good to know if it regresses anything there
* I created a Wayland protocol for apps like Kate and Firefox to no
longer ignore virtual desktops and Activities:
* the app can provide a list of windows, the compositor picks the best
one - based on stacking order, focus, virtual desktops, Activities,
whatever. It can also indicate to create a new window
* if this lacks something we'd need in KDE or to make a usable Qt API
for it, complain about it to me and we'll see how to improve the

* I don't have much to report, only thing directly plasma related i
have is that i continued a bit on the standalone plasmasvg library
* i have a branch that removes all colors from theme and uses
kirigami::theme directly
* what i don't like much is that it introduces qml dependency also in
the plain library not only on the qml bindings
* and this all because QPalette doesn't have positive/neutral/negative
colors, otherwise could have gone with qpalette and be happy about

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