Hi Martin,

Thank you and happy New Year to you as well :)

Today I built your branch. My system is:

Fedora 14
KDE trunk
8800 GTS 320 Mb
NVIDIA 260.19 (latest)

First of all, don't know what it built against - hope it's GL 2.0 because
it's what the driver seems to support. It works! But there's a few bugs:

the thumbnails are broken (as in when there's e.g. Konsole with build
output), those lines are riddled with holes and not "crisp" at all (btw,
nice string in the config dialog :))
kwin crashes when I change texture scaling method and something else in one
of the above comboboxes and hit apply - reliably. Everything (KDEbase and
KDElibs) are from trunk, today's trunk, actually.
blur works
jaggies in coverswitch (antialiasing? is that possible at all? it's been
there actually since 4.0 I guess :))
everything moves pretty smooth, haven't seen any jerkies yet

That's it after half an hour of normal use, no crashes except for the
mentioned crash in the config dialog.

Ignat Semenov

P.S. As you say, nouveau allows for GLES (didn't know about that, btw.) Can
test this as well if necessary. (Not sure about the prerequisites, that
could take some time.)
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