Am Montag, 14. Februar 2011, 23:31:11 schrieb Morten A. B. Sjøgren:
> Hey,
> Last week in #plasma-mediacenter we talked about creating a video widget
> using phonon and a two window solution.
> I don't think we need the two window solution, since phonon has a
> videowidget we can use.
> Phonon::VideoWidget<
> classPhonon_1_1VideoWidget.html>inherits from QWidget and can be used as
> one and it can be sent into
> fullscreen mode with a simple call to
> enterFullScreen<
> sPhonon_1_1VideoWidget.html#a22da83ea46469651d740537d5d5dbb05>(). In
> fullscreen mode we should be able to put control widgets without the
> need for a separate window.
> I'd like to talk again over IRC again on of these days. What about
> Wednesday evening about 10pm or 11pm GMT+1? I'll try to be online earlier
> if needed.

I think Wednesday 10pm would be even doable for me :) (if I don't forget about 
it :D)

I think I read about some phonon-qml stuff a bit back in time, that's what we 
should use in the end...

> -
> Morten

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