On Thursday 29 September 2011 20:01:00 Kevin Kofler wrote:
> But one of my points is that we need features too, not just bugfixes.
> Continuing 4.7.x releases solves the problem of bugfixes just fine, but
> entirely fails to address the issue of features.

But who is (or would be) working on features in kdecore | kdeui | kio | kfile?

Feel free to prove me wrong, but with most kdelibs developers working on 
either bugfixing or frameworks, I don't see who's left to work on features in 

I agree that e.g. plasma and nepomuk might be in a different situation though.

Maybe with a proper git merge support for kdelibs master we could re-evaluate 
the decision to freeze it, it's less work than having to cherry-pick every fix 
into 3 branches.

David Faure, fa...@kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Sponsored by Nokia to work on KDE, incl. Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org).

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