On Saturday 01 October 2011 18:15:53 Lukas wrote:
> Hi,
> On 1 October 2011 17:59, <plasma-devel-requ...@kde.org> wrote:
> > Message: 5
> > 
> > 
> > At the same time, the combobox for selecting a profile in the battery
> > applet
> > will be removed. It will, although, be replaced by a toggle button for
> > inhibition: by enabling/disabling it, power management features regarding
> > screen suspension, notifications and screen power management will be
> > suspended. Technically speaking, the battery applet will trigger a full
> > inhibition on the power manager while this button is still on.
> Something like having Power mode switch:
> [Performance] [Normal] [Battery stretch]
> where Normal is current static profile; Performance - temporary disables
> any limitations; Battery stretch - disables everything, that can
> be disabled [Wifi, audio, CPU turbo mode etc]

This is actually why we thought about pairing profiles and activities. 
Although your concern is valid, you are likely to require this kind of things 
when doing a specific activity, hence you won't need the applet :) On the 
other hand, inhibition might be useful everywhere.

> > And how do we cope with the users wanting to have very specific behavior
> > in certain situations? This is where activities kick in. We will allow
> > to configure a "profile" for each activity, if the user wants to, in two
> > different ways: action override and profile override. Let me expand.
> Sound awesome :)
> I hope there would be a way to pin profile of other activity?
> Say you have 10 profiles named "Project [project name]". To have same
> profile for work activities user could just set "Use same profile as in
> 'Project default' ".
> Its different from cloning settings then creating new activity, since any
> changes on 'Project default' would be applied on all "Project [project
> name]"

Good idea. Will try and do that.

> P.s. power profiles can define brightness, so if different activities has
> different power profiles with brightness set up, there should be some kind
> of scheme of preventing blinking screen when Meta+tab is used to toggle
> profiles.

Good point as well, thanks. Will take care of it, probably by delaying the 
switch of 1s.


Dario Freddi
KDE Developer
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