On Tuesday 25 October 2011, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> Nope, not if we don't want to depend on a development snapshot. PA3 is the
> first version that can (without patching packages) depend on 4.8 :/
> PA2 will be out before 4.8 ...

hm, not sure what of those two things will cause more trouble...
one thing i really want for active2 are the qtcomponents, is areeady an 
improvement so big compared to the old widgets, especially there and is a 
shame not being able to use them..
for the dataengine we can get around using yet another diff...

for the components, what i was thinking is that since will probably be needed 
anyways to have a mobile specific version, said version could be done directly 
in the plasma-mobile repo and ship only that one for active2

Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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