On Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 17:02, Martin Klapetek <martin.klape...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Having both types in kickoff at the same time seems a bit wrong to me too.
> Having an option to switch that on the other hand would be more sensible. I
> would suggest to find someone who can implement it in Martin's newest
> kickoff branch in such way, that it won't be more work to maintain. Maybe
> even the whole navigation system could be modified to fit both options (I
> don't know how it currently works)? But again, as Martin clearly stated
> he's not in favor of doing this, find someone who will do it and have him
> work together with Martin.

Now that I'm reading what I wrote, I realize it's actually a nonsense
(sorry was preoccupied with other stuff).

Switching to either breadcrumb or the back button is wrong. Both bring
something valuable. So if there should be any option, then I'd add only
"Show back button", but do not switch the breadcrumbs off. As for the rest
- that still holds :)

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer
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