Connecting configChanged() explicitly was the cause of the problem
apparently (I need to test it a little bit more). In many forum I've
found that the people suggest to do this connection, maybe it's old

Another strange thing I noticed is that when I click OK in the config
dialog it does not close immediatly itself but it waits the end of the
function configChanged() and since in my case this function takes
about 10 seconds to complete the config dialog remain frozen for 10
seconds before closing.

I tried a workaround to avoid this behaviour trying to emit a custom
signal at the end of configChanged that activate the slow function,
but even in this case the config dialog waits. Any idea on how to
solve this?

2012/2/5 Aaron J. Seigo <>:
> On Sunday, February 5, 2012 15:16:03 Simone Gaiarin wrote:
>> I call configChanged() once in the init function and then I connect it
>> to the configChanged() signal.
> you don't need to connect it to any signal. i'm not sure if that's the cause
> of your problem, but it is unecessary in any case.
> and just in case something odd is going on .. the init function is indeed only
> being called once, correct?
> --
> Aaron J. Seigo
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