On 03/18/2012 09:48 AM, Giorgos Tsiapaliwkas wrote:

I was thinking today how we could make the above idea even better. So, we could make the "All effect" tab
able to play the video natively.

What do you think? Should we change the "All effects" tab?
Definitely fix and add videos. But the follow-up question is "which way" -- and we NEED to provide text (improved), to handle cases of "no internet connection" and "Firewall has disabled download of videos".

With text included as an alternative, I vote for the download option -- because the downloads are maintainable on a smaller number of KDE servers, rather than making Distro Maintainers re-build Packages for the purpose of replacing an embedded video replacement. It also saves disk space.

But I would like to add another issue- I don't like "native play", unless the Player provides a full set of pause/rewind/minimize/move backwards-forwards capabilities. The user should be able to set his/her Window Managmenet Options by getting the video out of the way, at ANY time. *IF* we agree to require all of those player capabilities, an actual player (with it's own Window) might be more attractive than embedded play within KCM. But yes, that gets into politics -- which of the video-player programs built on KDE to recommend?

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