On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 1:45 PM, Marco Martin <notm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> here the biggest challenge i guess is making all resize correctly in
> horizontal/vertical panels.

Yes, just spent 5 hours on this. Finally resizing works almost fine inside
and outside panels, except:

* it does not resize/change when the orientation of a panel changes (eg, top
panel is moved to right). i tried addEventListener('FormFactorChanged',
formFactorChanged); but the callback is never called.

* if the applet is on the desktop, the last visible icon in the list
flickers _a lot_
when the applet is resized. this happens for more than one icons visible,
happens to only the last icon.

* the c++ applet shows a confirmation box for suspend & hibernate,
how can this be done in QML? how about showing our regular applet-popup
like in the battery monitor? with this option, the user also wouldn't have
move the mouse too much around the screen.

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