On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 1:37 PM, Akos Toth <zuiada...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I created a plasmoid, that shows my BZFlag friends (people I liked to play
> with).
> When I place the plasmoid on the workspace, after I added some of my
> "friends", I'm trying scoll on treeview, the content is not changing, unless
> I resize the whole plasmoid. However if I iconify the plasmoid, and use it
> as a popup, treeview works well.
> I tried with QTreeView, and Plasma::TreeView same behaviour.
> One more thing:
> I use an BZFriendsTreeModel (inherits QAbstractItemModel), and it has an
> newIndexWidget signal, and when a new row is inserted this signal emitted,
> catched on the main(PlayerList) widget, and QTreeView::setIndexWidget()
> called.
> Here is the code:
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/bzfriendsplasm/files/Linux-KDE4/Alpha/
> Akos
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Just did a quick grep on your bzfriendstreemodel. You're not calling
dataChanged() anywhere.
Anytime you update an item in your model you need to tell the system
to redraw it by saying dataChanged(thisRow).

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