On Saturday, June 16, 2012 21:30:54 Varun Herale wrote:
> I am trying to load the current desktop containment info from a
> KConfigGroup object. But because by default the isContainment member is set
> as false I am not able to do this.

how exactly are you doing this? can you share some code with us?

> Why is the isContainment member inherited from AppletPrivate class set as
> false for an object of Containment Class ?

it is only set to false when it is loaded as an applet rather than a 

remember: containments are also plasmoids! that's how folderview can do its 

> Also, is there any other way to load current desktop containment
> information into a Containment object ?

no. what are you trying to accomplish? (there may be a better way to do 
whatever it is you are trying to do..)

Aaron J. Seigo

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