On Monday 22 October 2012, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> being merged in the process), some are things that we have been shipping
> in the MobileComponents QML module for some time. (MobileComponents has
> somehow grown to be a dumping ground for "stuff that didn't fit well
> elsewhere", and we're in the process of cleaning that up, moving pieces of
> it to places which fit better (PlasmaExtras has gotten some, for example.)
> One of those pieces is the AppletContainer, but there's also the odd thing
> that we have just no solution for right now (for example KAuthorized calls
> if the user's allowed to log out). I'm trying to find sensible places for

what i would like is another import, like org.kde.plasma.containments

that contains only stuff intended to be a toolkit for containments: 
AppletContainer can be one, then default applethandles would go there as well, 
as toolboxes (replacing them with qml may require a bit more of architectural 
change, so that may need to be delayed)

one thing that we may even do at some point is to install them somewhere else 
compared to the others, so that import folder would be included only in 
containments, being inaccessible for plasmoids and apps.

about qml containments, a thing that is not uber pretty that i encountered 
working on the one for active is that while plasmoids have only a limited 
acces to theyr Applet* trough AppletInterface, plasmoids have direct access to 
Applet* pointers of their plasmoids, so paradoxically more access to others 
than to themselves
is something that we want to keep?/do something about?

Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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