
After a while I came back to a little project of mine, and am trying to add 
loading and saving data from it (a serialised JSON object) from/to a file.

I am using FileDialog, LocalIO and IOJobs extentions:

Two issues I cannot seem to get over:

1. Upon reading a file (i.e. in data() signal handler) is there a way to check 
what encoding the file or the data is likely in, and to properly handle it? my 
data is in UTF-8 (of course), but once loaded it is not displayed correctly.

2. Is there anyway at all to actually *write* data out to a file? Cannot seem 
to find it, even though there is a SaveFileDialog().

Any pointers much appreciated.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak

Fundacja Wolnego i Otwartego Oprogramowania

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