2014-04-15 15:03 GMT+02:00 Mark Gaiser <mark...@gmail.com>:
> [...]
> Idea..
> Can you somehow detect if an application wants to do XEmbed stuff? If
> it wants to while there is no "wmsystemtray" configured you should
> annoy the user and ask if we should enable the wmsystemtray for him
> automatically since an app wants to make use of it. Obviously if other
> apps also use xembed and wmsystemtray is enabled then you should not
> bother the user.
> I think this gives the best of both worlds.
> - wmsystemtray is gone by default but added when needed
> - those apps that still use xembed will remain working just fine
> - novice users don't have to bother about manually installing wmsystemtray
> You should definitely not place the burden of installing wmsystemtray
> on the user imho.
It's more for putting pressure on the developers, I guess. If there is
an easily accessible workaround, developers will not switch to a
modern solution quickly, because a workaround is trivial to do for the
Also, users don't put pressure on e.g. vendors of proprietary applications.
What might make sense is that the distributor installs this stuff
automatically in case some application is installed which won't ship
without XEmbed stuff in the near future.
It would be interesting to know how many apps would be affected by
missing XEmbed-systray. If it's not many, adding and easy workaround
is IMHO not a good idea. If there are more of these apps, I think
adding your solution temporarily would make seome sense indeed.
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