On Monday 16 June 2014 10:23:30 Damian Ivanov wrote:
> > For Klipper this will happen for 5.1. Whether it's worth to keep klipper
> > as a standalone application I'm not yet convinced, especially given that
> > klipper will most likely be bound to KWin in a Wayland world.
> Just ot of curiosity what part of Klipper would require kwin? If it's
> for grabbing the "marked" stuff,
> couldn't this be done inside of libkwindowsystem instead kwin?
> Doing them as plasmoid's will only lock them out of other desktop
> environments.

I would need to re-read the Wayland protocol but AFAIR an application would 
not be able to globally listen to the copy/paste stack. Thus KWin would need 
to expose a special interface to "trusted" clients. Plasma will already be a 
trusted client and simplify a lot.


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