On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 12:37 AM, Eike Hein <h...@kde.org> wrote:
> Hiyo,
> we're freezing this week, so it's time to gather the changes
> for the promo folks again. I'll start with the noteworthy
> stuff in my components:

Plasma 5.3 will have technology preview of plasma-mediacenter, Promo
people may include technology preview word or not.. But I'd say its
pretty much preview as this is not feature complete with kdelibs4
based versions. Features of plasma-mediacenter

- Fetches available media (audio, video, pictures) and its metadata from baloo
- Have experimental dashboard mode which allows you to add plasmoids.
- MPRIS2 enabled media player


- Plasma shell gained ability to load shell based upon current
session. This allows to use same startkde script to launch different
shells. (I'd say it's not much user focused but still)

Bhushan Shah

IRC Nick : bshah on Freenode
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