On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 8:20 PM, Ivan Čukić <ivan.cu...@kde.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> A long time ago, we decided that out of the following options, the
> first one was better:
> - (1) when a window is activated by external entity (a document opens
> in an existing kate instance that is on a different activity to the
> current one), kwin switches to the activity
> - (2) --||--, kwin moves the window to the current activity
> I think we should "copy" the window not move.

> I still think (1) is better than (2) and that it is a problem of
> specific applications like kate that like opening everything in the
> same window, and that those ought to be patched.

I know I'm getting a tiny bit off topic, but I just had a go at doing the
proposed kate change.


It's actually surprisingly hard, this is too hacky to ever merge.

You can tell you have an instance already open, and you get told the DBus
path for that existing instance, but there's no way to tell which
activities that main window is on without then resorting to grabbing winIDs
and probing X properties.

BUT, a user made a nice point about why the current behaviour is wrong
> - it is a bit of a privacy problem - the system can unexpectedly
> switch to a different activity and reveal something that the user
> didn't want to.
> While I'm still not for (2), we might consider another solution - when
> the application opens up or activates a window in a non-current
> activity, instead of automatically switching to that activity, we
> might show a notification 'blah blah is open in blah blah activity'
> with a button to switch to it.
> Thoughts?
> Cheerio,
> Ivan
> --
> KDE, ivan.cu...@kde.org, http://cukic.co/
> gpg key id: 850B6F76
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