On Monday, February 8, 2016 1:21:01 PM CET Marco Martin wrote:
> Hi all,
> It's almost time to make the plasma mobile components a framework/repository
> by itself, and with that I'm wondering of "plasma mobile components" it's
> even the proper name after all.
> Following the Qt naming conventions i was going for "Plasma Controls" where
> "Plasma" is there purely for branding, but not as "dependency" (at least can
> be disabled at build time) and that is not reall "mobile" specific. There
> are things that aren't really "mobile" , like colors and listviews.. one
> could use pieces of them in desktop apps and plasmoids as well, as long as
> doesn't use the really mobile specific parts.
> so a name should be:
> * Exprime that it's something "extra", it's not the "buttons and textboxes"
> of QQC1/2
> * Exprime that is ours (would go for Plasma instead of KDE for the usual KDE
> is people)
> * I wouldn't stress too much on it being "mobile"
> Opinions? comments?

Plasma is the brand for the "Desktop Shell". Why use Plasma as the name for 
the components, then? Isn't that going to be confusing for devs. Like the 
assumption that you need Plasma or it's only for Plasma? Kind of introducing 
the same problems as we used to have with the generic KDE name?


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