David Edmundson wrote:

> KDE Resource Database.
> It then grew to include some GTK settings and backporting stuff to KDE4.

What backporting stuff?

I have a bit of a dilemma here, which results from the fact that MacPorts also 
provides a whole range of GTk applications, a number of which I happen to use 
... with the QtCurve/gtk2 and oxygen-gtk3 themes. From what I understand, the 
export of the KDE colour palette choice is handled by krdb.cpp. Is that correct?

What I cannot determine so easily is whether it does more than that. Isn't 
applyQtColors() responsible for storing the palette colours into kdeglobals, 
from where they're read by the KDE platform plugin theme?

If so, that seems a crucial feature. I just checked: removing the Colors: 
categories from my kdeglobals and changing the ColorScheme key didn't change 
colours of newly started applications (my regular colour scheme is hand-tuned 
match the native colour scheme at least as far as window colours go).

What colours are used when the platform plugin (khintssettings) doesn't find 
either any Colors: categories or a ColorScheme string (and the default .colors 
file isn't available)?


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