CCed plasma-devel and Kai because your problem is probably tied with
this commit:

Alexander Potashev

2016-06-05 19:29 GMT+03:00 Mark Gaiser <>:
> Hi,
> I used to have the file transfer dialog n Dolphin.
> Plasma by default showed (past tense, it changed) the copy of a file in the
> lower right corner in some round animating thing that was slowly filling up.
> I never found that very useful and disabled it since that gave me the "old
> fashioned" file transfer dialog. That was OK.
> Now however, i just noticed that i have no transfer dialog at all anymore.
> All i have now is a transfer
> "status" by looking at the taskbar which now fills up. That on it's own - as
> supplement - would've been a very nice addition, no argument there. But now
> i don't see a transfer speed, don't have an option to cancel a transfer at
> all. That cannot be the intended way of how this is supposed to work, right?
> So, ehh.. Did the file transfer dialog got removed?
> Or is there still an option somewhere to turn it back on?
> Cheers,
> Mark
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