On Monday, July 25, 2016 12:24:56 PM CEST Jens Reuterberg wrote: 
> Ksplash is removed in favour for two clear effects, one is the "fade to
> desktop" already present in Kwin, the other is an effect where SDDM fades in
> a very specific way. (the SDDM interface fades leaving only the chosen
> logged in users avatar fading slightly slower (can be seen in the thumbnail
> gif named "SDDMfade")
> Essentially SDDM fades, and then directly as part of it visually, a fade to
> desktop.

Removing KSplash directly breaks the login effect (I assume that's what is 
meant with "fade to desktop"). It gets activated by the ksplash window closing 
and then fades out the ksplash window.

I don't see how this can be done in a Wayland world. (Neither do I see how 
this can be done in a X11 world). To explain: When switching from SDDM to 
KWin/Wayland, KWin takes over the display, SDDM is no longer able to render to 

May suggestion thus is to keep KSplash and just change the design.

> Critical Notes #1: if this handoff between SDDM and Ksplash is impossible
> for technical reason or will stutter another plan must be drawn up. The
> goal here is speed - if speed can be improved by having the animation
> SOLELY in SDDM and ignoring Ksplash then that is better.
> For this reason we need technical input and help testing.
> Critical Notes #2: The SDDM theme can switch wallpaper, the wallpaper being
> the LAST thing seen in combination with the logged in users avatar - its
> relevant that the this work if the user switch wallpaper so that the
> wallpaper is the last seen instead of "stock blue".

See above: I don't think it's technically possible. Starting KSplash does not 
create a delay, it's a fast application.

> https://share.kde.org/index.php/s/0WRG8Us8qElwgDP
> Thumbnail Animation: https://share.kde.org/index.php/s/DR1HV3d9HRHRigJ
> The locks screen has to share the basic concept of the SDDM screen as it is
> in practice, from the users perspective, almost the same thing.
> Thats why it inherits the stock-blue background (editable from the
> lockscreen settings).
> When the lockscreen is actvated it displays a swift fade-to-black from
> desktop and an even quicker fade-FROM-black to lockscreen. The goal is to
> make a swift switch and make it feel more like a secure door slamming than
> a slow fade. If that feels too complex this late in the release cycle a
> temporary solution is just a direct switch, ignoring all animations.

I can take care of adjusting the default background to the blue. Note that for 
technical reasons it might cause a black frame to be rendered first.

> https://share.kde.org/index.php/s/YojnHEhf6qUmHLu
> When a user press shutdown, lock and logout the desktop fades, darkens, and
> an overlay black at 70% opacity pops up the logout options are displayed
> with the one the user selected preselected and in the center, from there
> the user can use mouse or arrows to move to another option, like go from
> the shutdown to reboot. The selected option is fully opaque and white
> (#ffffff) and the not selected options are at 60% opacity and light grey
> (#eff0f1)

Do I understand correctly that you do no longer want the fade to the center? 
And that you don't want to blur the background at all? I think that needs 
real-world testing before removing the blur.


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