Il 22-08-2016 11:43 Thomas Pfeiffer ha scritto:
As per the Plasma team's request, I have now created a Wiki page with
all submissions as presented in the forum, and - where available - how
they would look in a Panel.
You can find that page here:
Each submission now has a number which should be referenced in the discussion.
It would be even nicer to have a completely standardized presentation,
but none of us had the combination of time and skills necessary to
create that.
I hope this helps, anyway.

On 25.07.2016 20:54, Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
Dear Plasma development team, dear VDG,
the official deadline for the Plasma logo contest has passed yesterday. We have five entries into the contest, with one actually consisting of five different mash-ups and modifications of the other entries, and one being
Plasma's current logo.
You can find all the proposals here:
I think we have quite a good selection here, and hope that we can find something
here which we can agree on.
In the contest thread, I promised a jury consisting of VDG members and Plasma
team members.
Now I've decided that since the whole Plasma team has to be able to identify themselves with the logo, and all VDG members should have the possibility to chip in as well, everyone who participates in the discussion is part of the jury. There won't be a voting process. Either we can agree on a logo, or everything stays like it is (the official Plasma logo still being what we have now, and the
K logo being used for the launchers).
I'd give us a discussion period until Sunday, unless a clear agreement can be
reached before that.
Please refer to the logo proposals by the creator's forum name (remember that our current logo is Uri's, not mine ;) ), and for Ken's just say e.g. "Ken's
fourth logo".
Happy discussions, here is to us finding a logo we can all (at least more or
less) identify with!


Thank you. I fixed it because it missed one of mine. Now my submissions are "submission 1 version 1,2,3,4" (it's the same logo with gear and arrow in different positions).

-- Alessandro Longo

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