On Monday, September 12, 2016 2:21:16 AM CEST Michail Vourlakos wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am using in one of my plasmoids the following,
>      PlasmaCore.Dialog{
>          id: windowsPreviewDlg
>          type: PlasmaCore.Dialog.Tooltip
>          location: plasmoid.location
>                         .......
> }
> because I can not use the ToolTipArea, I need hovering very much for the
> whole element... The above code works but unfortunately it does not
> animate the window when I change its visualParent even though it has
> been set as Tooltip. I tried using
> Behavior on x and y but it didnt help...

Please never try to animate by adjusting x/y of a window. On X11 that creates 
lag and on Wayland it just doesn't work.


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