graesslin added a comment.

  In, @davidedmundson wrote:
  > > So from KWayland Server side we have a selection
  > from KWayland server side we have a Seat:selection, we don't check if that 
has a DDI::selection
  >  ----
  > If a client had called wl_set_selection(dataDevice, nulltptr)  the server 
would still have a registered DDI.
  > If the client has called clearSelection to us, I think we should be sending 
clearSelection to X.
  of course we do that :-)
  Anyway, I would like to move further with that. This is a nullptr access fix 
which makes sense IMHO. If you think that we should not even send out the 
DataOffer I think that's a separate thing, which could be done in addition. So 
my suggestion would be to merge in this crash fix and in addition do the change 
you suggest.
  Please note that I doubt that your suggestion would help against the crash I 
fixed here. It fixes the autotest, but the autotest does not 100 % match the 
crash case we had in KWin. In KWin the crash was caused by an application 
crashing. When creating the autotest I simplified it to the common pattern. If 
we go for your change only the test would have to be adjusted to properly cover 
the situation from KWin.

  R127 KWayland


To: graesslin, #kwin, #plasma, #frameworks
Cc: davidedmundson, plasma-devel, leezu, ZrenBot, progwolff, lesliezhai, 
ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, eliasp, sebas, apol, mart, hein, lukas

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