
Thanks for René and Duncan's reply.

Honestly it's not because *I change the menu so frequently*.  It's
something what I've presented in the Akademy 2017 about Plasma 5
customization, without changing any existing file.  We used our own
start menu icon and I set it in the desktop scripts which uses kicker
launcher.  But when I change the launcher the settings was gone (and
back to the KDE default).

I know that kicker, kickoff and kickerdash are different plasmoids and
the icons are set in their .desktop files.  I ask here to see if there's
any other way to achieve the goal so that I can study how to customize
it in our system.  Anyway, IMHO saving plasmoids (not only launchers)
settings in a separate file as an override to default setting values
should make sense, just like look-n-feel packages.

Thanks for the developers for your work, and I wish it can be considered
to implement.


René J.V. Bertin 於 2017年08月30日 16:18 寫道:
> On Wednesday August 30 2017 05:20:53 Duncan wrote:
> Echoing this to the plasma-devel list so that at least they're aware of the 
> use-case (with apologies for top-replying to those who take offense).
> If indeed each launcher is a separate plasmoid and each plasmoid has its own 
> settings one could expect those to be saved in an application (pardon, 
> plasmoid) specific rc file. If that is not the case that probably means that 
> plasmoids don't run as individual processes but as are instead run (as 
> scripts) by a host application (the plasma shell), and settings are stored in 
> that host application's settings file.
> I don't think it'd be very difficult to store individual plasmoid settings in 
> such a way that they don't overwrite each other, given how the config file 
> APIs are designed. In this particular case though it may well be that the 
> launcher/kicker settings are stored for/under the plasmoid category instead 
> of name so that you can change launchers and find most of your settings in 
> the new one.
> Even so that would evidently also apply to the icon setting, so my guess is 
> that this is not being stored as a plasmoid property, but as a setting for 
> how (where, etc) individual plasmoids are displayed. That still doesn't mean 
> that the icon *has* to be reset (the other properties like launcher location 
> don't, right?) but it seems a bit less surprising that it would be the case.
> In short, I don't think it'd be a huge change to implement a sticky custom 
> icon feature, but do think like Duncan that it will probably not be 
> considered worth the effort (besides, do as the VDG tells you and use Breeze 
> already ;) )
> Duncan proposed the approach I also thought of, but that may not be feasible 
> because of how settings files are used (typically rewritten as soon as you 
> change something, and rarely if ever monitored for external changes). 
> Apparently you (Franklin) change your launcher often enough for the icon 
> issue to become one, so maybe there's yet another workaround. Myself I use 
> Lancelot on my Plasma4 desktop, but sometimes need the standard kicker to 
> save an updated session configuration. If that happens I just add the 
> standard kicker to my secondary panel, and do what I want to do. If I needed 
> this frequently I'd leave the kicker there.
> You could try the same thing: add 1 or 2 additional launchers and set them to 
> kickoff and/or kickerdash. With luck the plasma shell will remember all 
> settings you configure for each of those launchers - if it doesn't you could 
> probably report that as a bug that ought to be considered more seriously than 
> your original issue.
> R.
>> Franklin Weng posted on Tue, 29 Aug 2017 20:26:39 +0800 as excerpted:
>>> In Plasma 5 we can right-click on the start menu and set our own icon.
>>> However when I switch my menu from kicker to kickoff or kickerdash, the
>>> menu icon changed to the default one and when I switch back to the
>>> kicker, my own icon was gone and the default one is used.  Would anyone
>>> please tell me how to keep my own icon in the kicker mode, or even when
>>> switching to different menu mode?
>> Good question.
>> Unfortunately, as implemented it's not possible (except for source 
>> patching[1]), and I'm not sure the plasma devs would consider it worth 
>> the very likely rather large effort to make it possible.
>> The problem is that each of the different types of "application launcher" 
>> is its own separate "plasmoid", that is, component-widget, complete with 
>> its own settings.
>> For most plasmoids, switching from one to another is a process of 
>> deleting the one, selecting add widget, and in the resulting plasmoid/
>> widget-explorer dialog, dragging the one you want to replace the one you 
>> just deleted to the appropriate location.  Then, depending on the 
>> plasmoid, you may have to configure the new one to do what you want.
>> Now it so happens that with the "launcher" plasmoids, they've created a 
>> shortcut to all that, that lets you replace the one launcher with another 
>> one without going thru the whole delete/add process manually.  But the 
>> different types of launcher are still entirely different plasmoids, each 
>> with their own settings and defaults, and replacing one with another 
>> deletes the configuration for the replaced one and sets the configuration 
>> of the new one to all defaults.
>> So as I said, you can patch the sources to change those defaults and then 
>> you'll get your patch-altered defaults every time you switch, but other 
>> than that, there's no real way to do it.
>> Wait... I actually just thought of another way, that I use sometimes 
>> myself.
>> You can backup the config file before you make your change.  Then make 
>> your change, configure the new one as you like, and do a second backup, 
>> keeping copies of both.  Then when you need to switch, you can simply 
>> kill plasmashell so it doesn't overwrite your changes, restore the 
>> appropriate backup with your desired settings, and restart plasmashell so 
>> it sees the altered component, along with the settings you had previously 
>> configured for it.
>> The file with all the activity/desktop, panel, and plasmoid settings, is
>> $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc [2]
>> This file, like most kde/plasma config files, is organized much like the 
>> standard INI file from the MS-Windows-3 era.  Unfortunately, while 
>> there's a section hierarchy, the sections are numbered rather than named, 
>> so you have to read the settings and deduce what container or plasmoid 
>> each number represents, making hand editing possible but rather more 
>> difficult than it might be.
>> Which is why I suggested using the plasma GUI to configure things and 
>> simply backing up the file when it has a set of settings you want to 
>> save, so you can switch between multiple configurations by simply killing 
>> plasmashell, switching the config file, and restarting it.
>> ---
>> [1] Not possible except for source patching:  It's always possible to 
>> modify the sources to set your own default.  Plasma is of course 
>> freedomware with the sources available in ordered to /encourage/ 
>> patching, and while I don't claim to be a dev, I do run gentoo so already 
>> build from sources, and if I'm motivated enough I sometimes surprise 
>> myself at what sort of patches I can hack up!  Were I motivated enough, 
>> I'm sure this one would not be an issue, since at least in theory it's 
>> simply replacing one image with another, so the biggest issue would be 
>> actually looking at the code long enough to find the image to replace, 
>> and that shouldn't be difficult at all, only requiring time, which is why 
>> I have to be motivated enough to prioritize finding the location /to/ 
>> patch and creating and testing the patch above whatever else I'd 
>> otherwise be doing with that time.
>> [2] $XDG_CONFIG_HOME:  If this variable isn't set, the default is 
>> ~/.config, ~ of course being your user's home dir.  So the complete 
>> default path would be: ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc

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