graesslin requested changes to this revision.
graesslin added a subscriber: jriddell.
graesslin added a comment.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.

  The general concept looks good to me.


> constants.h:34-39
> +/* Whitepoint values for temperatures at 100K intervals.
> + * These will be interpolated for the actual temperature.
> + * This table was provided by Ingo Thies, 2013.
> + * See the following file for more information:
> + *
> + */

What's the license for this? Looking at the linked readme I do not see any 
license. If the Redshift license applies it would be GPLv3+ which is something 
I have not allowed so far in KWin/Core as it would remove the GPLv2 option. But 
to me this looks like a database so other licensing might apply.

summoning @jriddell for support.

> logging.cpp:20-21
> +*********************************************************************/
> +#include "logging.h"
> QtCriticalMsg)

same for this file: use the ecm command.

> logging.h:20-26
> +#include <QDebug>
> +#include <QLoggingCategory>
> +
> +#endif

please use the ecm command to generate the logging.h file instead of adding a 
new one.

> subdiff wrote in nightcolor.cpp:52
> Is there a general rule to it? Can I call the class NightColorManager instead 
> and leave the file name untouched?
> Is this about the generic class name or about the class name and the file 
> name not being the same?

I cannot answer for David, but I would say that class name and file name should 
be the same. I would have called it manager.h and manager.cpp. Though that's a 
little bit generic - also the class name Manager is rather generic. Granted 
it's in a namespace, but still.

> nightcolor.cpp:152
> +{
> +    KConfigGroup cfgGroup(kwinApp()->config(), "NightColor");
> +

You could also consider to use a kcfgc here. See

We use it in e.g. all effects and it reduces quite a lot the boiler plate code. 
Especially for things like mapping to an enum.

> nightcolor.cpp:561-588
> +    QHash<QString, QVariant> ret;
> +    ret["Available"] = kwinApp()->platform()->supportsNightColor();
> +
> +    ret["ActiveEnabled"] = true;
> +    ret["Active"] = m_active;
> +
> +    ret["ModeEnabled"] = true;

Please use initializer list:

  return QHash<QString, QVariant>{
      { QStringLiteral{"Avaliable"}, 
      {QStringLiterall{"ActiveEnabled"}, true},
     /* and so on */

> nightcolor.h:40-41
> +
> +typedef QPair<QDateTime,QDateTime> DATETIMES;
> +typedef QPair<QTime,QTime> TIMES;
> +

I wouldn't use all uppercase. Just use normal CamelCase: DateTimes, Times. All 
uppercase is normally reserved for defines or constants.

> subdiff wrote in platform.h:382
> Yes, you're probably right. I left the name because I was a little bit 
> worried, that there are maybe platforms in the future, where the mechanism 
> for changing gamma and changing color temperature is not working the same as 
> in DRM. But probably when a platform can do one of the two things it can do 
> the other one as well.
> I'll wait until we settled on the right name of the whole (see Martin's 
> comment about the older Color Correction / ICC / Kolor Manager code) to find 
> a better method name for it. Otherwise I would have called it 
> "supportsColorCorrection", in case there is a platform using a different 
> mechanism than gamma ramp adjustment. Or should we ignore this possibility 
> for now as well in your opinion?

I agree with David here: just make it gamma. If in the future we have a 
difference we can still introduce more variants.

  R108 KWin


To: subdiff, #kwin, graesslin
Cc: jriddell, ngraham, leezu, behrmann, cfeck, graesslin, davidedmundson, 
plasma-devel, kwin, bwowk, ZrenBot, alexeymin, progwolff, lesliezhai, 
ali-mohamed, hardening, jensreuterberg, abetts, eliasp, sebas, apol, mart, hein

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