Kanedias added a comment.

  Hi @jgrulich!
  There are actually two sides of this dime.
  The one that I wanted to take is implementing pipewire server in kded. It 
will be responsible for converting GBM fds to PW video stream fds and will 
announce this interface via DBus like Mutter does 
  The second one is implementing actual screen recorder based on KF5 with 
pipewire sink. It will consume the stream from kded and save it.
  You can take the second subtask as it doesn't actually depend on 

  R108 KWin


To: Kanedias, graesslin, davidedmundson, romangg, #kwin
Cc: jgrulich, romangg, ngraham, alexeymin, aacid, kwin, #kwin, davidedmundson, 
plasma-devel, schernikov, iodelay, bwowk, leezu, ZrenBot, progwolff, 
lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, hardening, jensreuterberg, abetts, eliasp, sebas, 
apol, mart, hein

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