mvourlakos added a comment.

  In D10516#206373 <>, @broulik wrote:
  > Thanks for looking into this!
  > I could prefer a QML binding that also takes into account wheter there is a 
menu at all, something like
  >   Plasmoid.status: {
  >       if (currentIndex > -1) {
  >           return PlasmaCore.Types.NeedsAttentionStatus;
  >       } else if (menuAvailable) {
  >           return PlasmaCore.Types.ActiveStatus;
  >       } else {
  >           return PlasmaCore.Types.PassiveStatus;
  >       }
  >   }
  > also BUG: 390271
  @broulik no prob :) only problem is that this commit is for Active Window 
Control, not for the plasma menu applet. The AWC doesnt provide a 
**menuavailable** flag. Of course I can create a second commit for plasma and 
update this one with your proposal...
  would that be ok?

  R884 Active Window Control Applet for Plasma


To: mvourlakos, martinkostolny
Cc: broulik, plasma-devel, ZrenBot, progwolff, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, 
jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart

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