gregormi added a comment.

  In D7087#207306 <>, @rkflx wrote:
  > In D7087#207286 <>, @dhaumann wrote:
  > > In fact, I wonder whether there already is a script or similar helper 
tools that give you this kind of system information. I currently do not 
remember, though... Anyone else?
  > Do you mean `inxi -Fxxxz`? Surely that's material for a different patch, 
but might be a nice idea to integrate. It's more hardware related, though, less 
about software versions.
  > I guess for a useful report the only thing missing is 
the KDE Applications version and some info about the graphics card + driver.
  Oh, that's a nice tool. Having that in the menu would help not to forget its 
  In D7087#220251 <>, @rkflx wrote:
  > In D7087#207286 <>, @dhaumann wrote:
  > > In fact, I wonder whether there already is a script or similar helper 
tools that give you this kind of system information. I currently do not 
remember, though... Anyone else?
  > Try #2: Did you mean this?:
  >   qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin supportInformation
  This output contains much KWin specific information. But why not.
  By the way, on Netrunner's Plasma the About System dialog looks like this:
 it adds Graphics and Network information.
  **And how **to go forward with this particular patch: If there are no 
objections I will proceed with Dominik's label suggestion as it is "simple, 
easy to understand and extend, and all the copy-to-clipboard code is in one 
place" and it looks good to solve the i18n issue.


> dhaumann wrote in Module.cpp:256
> Nitpicking: Why do you declare the clipboard here, when you use it only 10 
> lines later? :-) Better would be:
>   QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(text);
> So just one line at the end.

Good question :). I'll fix that.

  R102 KInfoCenter


To: gregormi, ngraham, dhaumann
Cc: rkflx, dhaumann, ltoscano, sebas, elvisangelaccio, cfeck, plasma-devel, 
ZrenBot, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, apol, mart

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