ngraham added a comment.

  In D11757#235700 <>, @richardbowen 
  > I prefer the system settings as it currently is in 5.12, though the submenu 
heading could be a little bit darker.
  > As for the changes made, I think the person that made the main sidebar 
header color different from the sub-sidebar header color did so intentionally, 
in line with the menu heirarchy.
  That parson was @mart, which is why I added him as a reviewer. Previously, 
the light subcategory header text was visually consistent with the category 
headers on the main list--which were far too light due to a bug. I fixed that 
bug, and now the subcategory header text no longer matches with anything. It's 
also inconsistent with other column-based navigation headers, and is just too 
light in general. 30% opacity text is hard to read and doesn't make conceptual 
sense for a header.
  > The horizontal line you added separating the search section from the 
sidebar options is cool though.
  > The back navigation as it is is pretty clear, no need to turn it into a 
  It's not necessarily about clarity, it's about visual polish. Did you read 
the linked bug? It looks especially weird in HiDPI mode. If we're going to keep 
the present appearance, we should remove the button borders that show up on 
hover that are jammed up against the parent frame. But I kind of like bit big 
explicit button approach myself (obviously, or I wouldn't have proposed it! :-) 

  R124 System Settings


To: ngraham, mart, #plasma, #vdg
Cc: richardbowen, plasma-devel, ragreen, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, 
jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart

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